Our Health Policies:

  • Face masks are optional for students and teachers in our space. If you would like your child to wear a mask, we will make sure their mask stays on during the day.

  • All kids and adults will have temperatures taken upon entry.

  • All visitors wash their hands upon arrival.

  • All visitors and students with signs of illness will stay home until symptom-free.

  • Families agree to notify the hello@ourpodfamily.com if anyone in their household tests positive for COVID 19.

  • Zero-symptom illness policy. Kids must be symptom free to be at school.

  • All teachers at TCL are vaccinated.

  •  We may adapt or add to these policies at any time. Parents will be notified via email.

  • As our operating expenses do not change when students are absent, no credits or refunds can be given for missed classes due to illness, vacation, or quarantine. 

Childcare Specific Policies:

    • Students and staff will wash hands often.

    • Teachers will sanitize toys, art supplies, bathrooms, cubbies, surfaces, and highly used spaces regularly.

Office Specific Policies:

  • Sanitizing wipes are available in all office spaces. Please sanitize your area before you leave, including any amenities you used (printer, coffee maker, stapler, etc).

  • All members and day-pass holders using our office spaces must register online at https://ourpodfamily.com/officespaces.