School Resources

Parents, we hear you... 2020 has been one big bummer after another. But community and resources still exist and, at The Co-Lab, we’re here to help!

What are you looking for?…

School alternatives: for your little ones who don’t thrive on the screen.
Check out our Fall Camp programs for ages 3-7, kicking off at The Co-Lab on Sept 8. These month-to-month early learning curriculum themes will help introduce early math, science and reading skills in a safe and small group environment. Choose from mornings Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday/Friday for your preschoolers, or Monday through Friday afternoons with our Kinderfirst Camp! You can even tack on a few extra childcare hours before or after if you’re looking for more full time care!

Extra curricular outlets: Don’t miss our Enrichment Classes offered every weekday afternoon in a variety of STEAM themes, including Marine Biology Mondays in September and Friday PE groups... an assortment of offerings for all ages. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, stay tuned for future themes and age groups.

Home Learning Support Circles: Teamwork makes the dream work. We believe that whole heartedly in The Pod. If you are looking for other like-minded families in similar situations to your own, be it remote or E-learning with specific public-school schedules and systems or homeschooling, it helps not to do it all alone! Check out the new South Sound home-learning support circles group on Facebook, intended for families to find connection and helping hands in these strange times.

Space rental for your own Pod: Looking for a safe and cozy home away from home to gather your own small pod/support circle? Get together and accomplish the day’s learning or a special project! There is something magical about stepping away from our same four walls, the laundry and dishes, and entering a fresh, creative space. It can reset the soul! Check out our AM Art Studio room rentals for groups up to 5 at The Co-Lab in Proctor, and PM rentals at The Pod Works in University Place! A rental package includes 6 dates at $50/day for a 2-hour productivity window and a bonus 30 minutes of playtime, plus coffee for parents! You are welcome here!
Email to save your pod’s spot!

Community: Did you know that The Pod welcomes families to join the community with a long list of perks both in person and virtually! Monthly workshops and socials, flexible childcare, work and play spaces, fitness pods, single parent groups (and discounts) and so much more! One price for your whole family and a dream list of perks and opportunities. We’re still better together.


Giving Back - Black History Mindfulness Club’s Free Little Library